Oct 1, 2010

The Value of a Number: Nigeria at 50

By G0O0J4R "The Recent"

At a time supposedly called for a great celebration, I will give to Caesar what belongs to Caeser; and to God what belongs to God.

Somerset Maugham once said "At a dinner party, one should eat wisely but not too well, and talk well but not too wisely".

Therefore, this note would be to the very best, concise.

The value of a number:
50 - Half of a century
1960 - Sixty years after the start of the 20th century, forty years to a modern rebirth. 50 remains in the median.
1999 - End of a millennium. End of a decade
2010 - Beginning of a new decade of the 21st Century; a fundamental year of purpose.

So, as Nigerians mark the golden jubilee, it should also be noted that the year has more to it. If a common man would say "a fool at 40 is a fool forever", what would he say about a 'fool' at 50? Yet, Nigeria has made progress over the years, not at all so significant.

In America, the best (especially young) brains are promoted, enabled and supported so that the country may progress. In Africa, the best brains are suppressed, politicised, and 'killed' so that evil and corruption may prevail. Yet, not all young people are righteous, and many old people in African authorities are selfish.

A life is a gift, my dear friends and elders; a country that is united is a blessing. When there is life, they say, there is hope; where there is a country united, I say nothing great is ever too late. So let the impact begin tremendously because "a journey of a thousand mile starts with a step"; after many years, major significant steps.

For the unity God has blessed the country with, for the future that gets clearer and brighter, this day
"(I will) enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name.
For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and His faithfulness to each generation."
(The book of Psalms, the 100th chapter, verses 4 and 5)

Happy Golden Jubilee, Nigeria!!

Gabriel Omololu Omowaye, Beryl Group Public Affairs.

Copyright, Beryl Group

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